Thursday, 17 October 2013

This Noisy World...

Blogging has absolutely exploded over the last few years. Its so hard to gain a legitimate following, as well as making your businesses or companies blog/website stand out.

Today I was searching the web and came across a great marketing speaker named Marcus Sheridan. He has an entire video blog on ways to make your businesses blog stand out. The video is about 45 minutes long so I decided I would shorten down for all of you and get right to the point! 

One of the main reasons why people read blogs is because they want answers on specific subjects. Our blogs need to help people find what they need quickly, and they need to be straight to the point. 

The most essential business blogging philosophy in the world is...


Three principles that will help you improve your blog are:

1. Honesty in content
2. Honesty is Approach
3. Honesty in sales 

Having these three principles in your blog will truly make your blog stand out. Having great content is key, but having honest and truthful content is number one in gaining followers. You want your consumers to trust and believe in your business or company, and most importantly you want them to believe what you have to say is true. In your business blog you want your consumer to be able to approach you with questions, problems and concerns they may have about your product or service. last but not least you want to be honest with your sales, product or service. Don't let your consumers down with false advertising. 

Five main components that need to be covered in a business blog include: 

1. Cost
2. Problems
3. Versus
4. Reviews
5. Best 

When consumers are on your website or blog they want to be able to find these 5 components easily and quickly. Cost is extremely important because money really determines whether or not your consumers are going to buy your product or service. Problems with your product or service isn't really something you want to display on your website or blog. But if you are having some sort of problem make sure you try and make it into a positive situation. So let your consumers know that you are fixing the problem, making changes, and improving it. Versus is when you take your product or service and compare it to a similar product or service in the same market. Reviews can also fall under customer testimonials; this is the real raw, truthful information from actual consumers. Best is when you get to brag about your product or service and let your consumers know why they should buy with you instead of your competitor. 

To really get straight to the point... 

Honest, transparent and helpful content is the greatest sales and trust building tool in the world. 

The End. 

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