You may not know it, but content plays an extremely crucial role in digital marketing and social media.
In the digital marketing aspect, content is a very general term that refers to basically anything that has been created and uploaded onto a website or some form of social media outlet. Content can be anything from the words that you type onto your blog or the pictures that you upload onto Facebook. Videos, Webinars, White Papers, Podcast, E-books, etc are also considered content.
Everything we do online, whether its writing to a friend, posting a picture or liking a comment, we are publishing content. So how do we know we are displaying great content, and really how crucial of a role does it play in digital marketing? Now that is the real question!
The main point of having amazing content is essentially to convert store or website visitors into product or service BUYERS! In order to do this we have to build a relationship with our future consumers, this relationships needs to evolve into a strong bond over time. This is all made possible by repeatedly and consistently (frequent and regular contact helps build relationships) creating content that the customer can really connect and relate to, this content also needs to show them that we care about them. Having great content for your company or business will not position you to sell your products or service but you will become a reliable source of information that they TRUST.
In the 21st century one of the only ways we trust people is either by trying something out ourselves or by having a friend, family member or acquaintance refer something to us. By having trust we can start to build a relationship with our future consumers. If you are using social media, a website or even newsletters to contact your potential consumers you have to make sure the content is suitable for them. You want to make sure it not only grabs their attention, but that it also make them feel safe, happy and at ease shopping with you.

Generating creative content will allow your business and company to:
1.Attract Customers
2.Educate your buyers about a purchase they are considering
3.Tell your story
4.Establish your credibility, trust and authority in your business
5.Build buzz via social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc)
6.Build a fan base and inspire them to love you, your products and services.
7.Inspire impulse buyers
By keeping all 7 of these cornerstones in the back of your mind you will be able to develop and create a foundation for meaningful conversations that will allow you to engage with your customers and potential consumers. The main idea is to inspire your consumers to read more about your products and service, and to get to know about your business.
A great way to get your customers involved in your brand is by allowing them to comment, share, like, and engage in your companies social media conversations. The content that you will be developing will drive conversation, the conversation will then engage your customers, this is how your company will have a competitive advantage and become successful above the rest in the social media world.
Social media is one of the easiest ways to advertise your brand and have an online presence. Its also one of the easiest ways for free advertising, by word of mouth. If someone likes your product or service they will be sure to let all their friends and family know over some form of social media.
So how does social media and content marketing go hand in hand?
Well, for one you can’t have content if you have know where to put it. You wouldn’t come up with a brilliant story about your brand if you didn’t have an outlet to show it off on. Social Media is a great way to market your business, especially because
1.73 BILLION people use social media. The fact that your products and service can be found all over the world in just a single click of a button is an amazing way for you to have a successful business.
Being a marketing and advertising student I know that social media is absolutely crucial in having a successful business, especially in the world we live in now. Social Media is growing and forever will be. Within the next year more than 1 in 5 people in the world will have a smartphone. The power of a smartphone is unbelievable because you can access any social media network in the world. Whether you are an entrepreneur or company of 5,000+ you can still use Twitter the same way. Share your story, brag about how fantastic your products are and how your service is incredible. Make sure people see it, read it, like it, share it, this will only benefit you more.
The fact that so many people are using social media creates a perfect opportunity for businesses to bloom. It opens a whole new window of opportunity, the more social media outlets you have the better. Its great to have an online presence on as many networks as you possibly can, because every social media network specializes in something different. When using Twitter you have to make sure your content is clear, concise and catchy because you only have 140 characters. Facebook is great for sharing, commenting and liking. While Instagram is the perfect way to show off your product with a great photo. The great thing about these three social media outlets specifically is the fact that they can be all linked together. So when you post something on one site, it shows up on all the others. (Keep in mind, that you don’t want to be flooding peoples accounts, there is definitely a limit of too much).
Social media and content marketing are like two peas in a pod, you can’t have one without the other. They go hand in hand are a great asset for your developing business or company.
*If you want great tips on how exactly to write this “creative content” look for Content Rules written by Ann Handley & C.C Chapman.