Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Panda, Cute but Mean ?

Google's Panda was first released in February 2011. Google Panda was designed to change Google's search results and rankings process. Google wants to bump out the rank of "low-quality sites" and make sure that higher-quality sites are at the top of the organic sites pages, (right under the paid results).

Panda was created using an algorithm update that used artificial intelligence in an advanced and innovative way then ever before. These website rankings are based on trustworthiness, design, speed, quality, and return rates to the website. The new Panda was then used to look at the contrasting similarities that were found between websites that were either high quality and low quality.

So whats so wrong with this you ask? Well, many news websites, social media sites, and sites with a higher amount of advertising, had a huge drop in their popularity rankings. Panda has reportedly affected the rankings of almost 12% of all search results, which is a huge impact for these sites.

A successful website needs in depth content, and great quality, but an exception to one of Panda's rules is, if you are a recognizable brand like LuluLemon you don't automatically need to have in depth, high quality content.

Well, this seems kinda hypocritical if you ask me!

So whats the best way to tell if your website is going to be a hit or not, there really isn't one perfect way to do this. So your best bet, the old school traditional way... show it to people who have a critical eye. Whether they are your friends, family, or colleges, ask them to look at your website and to give you critical feedback.

P.S I still love pandas.

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