Friday, 20 September 2013

5 Million Mentions

The arrival of iOS 7, and social media users go crazy !

September 18th was the initial launch of Apples latest update version. iOS 7 had over 5 million mentions among social-media users just on the first day of its launch alone. Last year when iOS 6 was launched it only had roughly 700,000 mentions across social media outlets.

This reason for such a gain in mentions over 1 year isn't quite clear yet, but there are a few reasoning's behind it. One reason could be the fact that more and more people are now using social media outlets. Also the fact that more and more people are now iPhone users. Now that Blackberry is slowing conking out, the iPhone has taken over the phone world (not including Samsung, they are still the most popular).

These comments that lit up on social media were both positive and negative. People were excited about the new look, and the fact that you could now block people from calling or texting you. But the biggest complaint was the fact that you had to download this upgrade over the computer, and it took a lot longer than people expected. But once the upgrade was installed most of the social media mentions were very positive ones!

Check out the new upgrade! 

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