Tuesday, 12 November 2013

A Good Infographic Is Worth 1000 Words

A inforgraphic is a representation of information translated into charts, images and diagrams. Inforgraphics are intended to present complex data and knowledge in a simplistic form that can we read easily and quickly.

The greatest thing about infographics is that they are simple to create, and there are tons of free tools online to help you do this. Some are a little more complex then others but most are pretty easy to use for the first time. Just like everything practice makes perfect, after a few times you will get the hang of it and different programs.

So why should you make an INFOGRAPHIC ?? ... Here are three reasons ! 

1. If you have your own blog, website, or even a social media platform and you want to engage your audience in a completely different way then having an inforgraphic will definitely catch their attention. They are fun, bright and creative so your followers are going to want to check it out. 

2. If you are a teacher and you want to capture the attention of your students then show them a infographic that you have created. You can make an infographic about anything, so if you are teaching a lesson on social media, or writing you can turn it into a visual concept that can inspire more in-depth learning outcomes. 

3. Now say you are an student who is more of a visual learner instead of someone who has to write things down and read them then infographics are for you. You can make a infographic full of creative images that have to do with a subject you are learning and hand it in as part of your assignment. If you have to make a chart, or diagram you can create a infographic instead to make things more fun and interesting and your teacher will also be impressed! 

Now there are good and bad infographics just like anything. So I have posted an infographic below that will show you the things you need to create a great infographic!! 


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